C. C. Shen and K. C. Wu, Pressure–composition isotherm curves of a Ti–H system above the eutectoid temperature, Scripta Mater., 113 (2016) 150-153.
C. C. Shen, C. M. Wang and H. H. Chen, Advanced nanostructured equiaxed Ti-6Al-4V alloys prepared via an isothermal hydrogenation process, J. Alloys Compd., 657 (2016) 794-800.
C. C. Shen and H. C. Lee, Cyclic Hydrogenation stability of g-Hydrides for Ti25V35Cr40 alloys doped with carbon, J. Alloys Compd., 648 (2015) 534-539.
C. C. Shen and H. C. Lee, Passivation and reactivation of Ti25V35Cr40 hydrides by cycling with impure hydrogen gas, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 40 (2015) 3277-3282.
C. C. Shen, K. C. Wu,H. C. Li and Y.P. Wu, Influence of interstitial carbon on the formation of monohydride and dihydride of Ti25V35Cr40 alloys, Mater. Chem. Phys., 151 (2015) 87-92.
K. Y. Lee, C. C. Shen and Y. J. Huang, Enhancement of the partial oxidation of methanol reaction over CuZn catalyst by Mn promoter, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 53 (2014) 12622-12630.
C. C. Shen and C. M. Wang, Effects of hydrogen loading and type of titanium hydride on grain refinement and mechanical properties of Ti–6Al–4V, J. Alloys Compd., 601 (2014) 274-279.
processing on the oxide layer formation of Ti-6Al-4V alloy, ECS Transactions, 50 (2013) 79-90.
C. C. Shen, T. Y. Jian and Y. T. Wang, Steam reforming of methanol in a copper microchannel foam reactor, Fuel Cells, 13 (2013) 965-970.
Chia-chieh Shen; Chi-Chung Kei; Wei-Ting Hsu; Chien-Wei Chen, "Corrosion Behavior of Nanostructured Ti-based Alloys with TiO2 Layer Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition," 2017 IUMRS International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA), pp.95~95, 2017/11.
Chia-chieh Shen; Nian-Shun Zhuang; Syuan-Yi Liao, "Power Generating Prototype Systems by Integration of Hydrogen Storage Mg-based Canisters with Fuel Cells," 2017 IUMRS International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA), pp.31~31, 2017/11.
Chia-chieh Shen; Chi-Chung Kei; Wei-Ting Hsu; Chien-Wei Chen, "Corrosion Behavior of Nanostructured Ti-based Alloys with TiO2 Layer Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition," 2017 IUMRS International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA), pp.95~95, 2017/11.
Chia-chieh Shen; Nian-Shun Zhuang; Syuan-Yi Liao, "Power Generating Prototype Systems by Integration of Hydrogen Storage Mg-based Canisters with Fuel Cells," 2017 IUMRS International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA), pp.31~31, 2017/11.
沈家傑; 陳欣鴻, "氫化鈦共析分解研究," 105年材料科學年會, pp.140~140, 2016/11.
黃柔華; 沈家傑, "LaNi5基儲氫罐吸放氫性能研究," 2016第11屆全國氫能與燃料電池學術研討會, pp.24~24, 2016/10.
Chia-chieh Shen; 陳欣鴻, "Eutectoid decomposition behaviors of the Ti hydrides," 2016 15th International Sysmposium on Meta-Hydrogen Systems, pp.27~27, 2016/08.
Chia-chieh Shen; 廖軒毅, "Hydrogenation and dehydrogenation properties of MgH2-0.1MH2 (M = Ti or Zr) composites prepared by ball-milling," 2016 15th International Sysmposium on Meta-Hydrogen Systems, pp.23~23, 2016/08.
C. C Shen, H. C. Li, Y. P. Wu, Cyclic hydrogenation stability of Ti25V35Cr40 alloys, 2014 IUMRS-International Conference on Electronic Materials, Taipei, Taiwan.
C. C Shen, K. C. Wu, H. H. Chen, Pressure-composition isotherm curves of pure Ti at low temperatures, 2013 5th World Hydrogen Technologies Convention, Shanghai, China.
C. C Shen, K. C. Wu, S. Y. Liao, N. S. Zhuang, Hydrogenation kinetics of Mg-Ti composited alloys, 2013 5th World Hydrogen Technologies Convention, Shanghai, China.
C. C Shen, Y. J. Lin, D. S. Tsai, C. B. Wang, Oxidation steam reforming of methanol over CuPd-based catalysts for hydrogen production, 2013 5th World Hydrogen Technologies Convention, Shanghai, China.
C. Y. Lee, C. C. Shen, Y. M. Chang, F. H. Liu, Measurement of internal temperature, flow and pressure in micro-methanol-reformer using multifunction micro-sensors, 2013 The 8th IEEE Annual International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, Suzhou, China.
Patents (2009-2016)
C C. Shen, J. C.P. Chou, T. P. Perng, Fuel cell module with thermal feedback unit, R.O.C. Patent I315594 (2009.10).
C. P. Chou, C. F. Kuo, C. C. Shen, T. P. Perng, F. B. Weng, A. Su, P. H. Chou and P. H. Hsu, Fuel cell module compatible with a dry cell, USA Patent 7485387 (2009.02).
C. P. Chou, C. F. Kuo, C. C. Shen, T. P. Perng, F. B. Weng, A. Su, P. H. Chou and P. H. Hsu, Fuel cell module compatible with a dry cell, R.O.C. Patent I329379 (2010.08).
C. P. Chou, C. C. Shen, T. P. Perng, C. F. Kuo, P. H. Chou and P. H. Hsu, Fuel cells with hydrogen supply units and integrated structures of their power generations, R.O.C. Patent I358844 (2012.02).
C. C. Shen, H. C. Li, T. P. Perng, Hydrogen storage material analyzer and analysis and activation methods, USA Patent 8691590 (2014.04).
L. M. Wang, C. J. Tsai, C. C. Shen, Improvement in the corrosion resistance of the thermal hydrogenation processed Ti-6Al-4V alloys, R.O.C. Patenting (2014.04).
沈家傑*, 2010 FC EXPO國際氫能與燃料電池展參訪研究報告.
沈家傑*, 2010 International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems參訪研究報告(NSC-98-2218-E-155-002).
沈家傑*, 2010國科會研究專題「氫化法調控鈦合金奈米晶粒研究」報告(NSC-98-2218-E-155-002).
沈家傑*, 2010台澳雙邊科技合作協議「高效能薄膜鎳氫電池之Bulkypaper電極製備」訪問研究報告(NSC 99-2911-I-155-003-2).
周泊賢, 徐百和, 沈家傑, 彭宗平, 翁芳柏, 蘇艾, 周哲平, 郭建甫, 2008台北國際發明暨技術交易展發明競賽金牌奬- 「具有與乾電池相容型態之燃料電池模組」
沈家傑, 李學智, 彭宗平, 2010台北國際發明暨技術交易展銀牌奬-「儲氫材料性能分析設備及其分析、活化方法」
編號 |
擔任角色 |
計畫名稱(號碼) |
執行期間 |
A1 |
計畫主持人 |
高容量鎂基儲氫罐與燃料電池整合發電雛型系統 (105-ET-E-155-003-ET) |
2016/1/1-2016/12/31 |
A2 |
計畫主持人 |
應用原子沉積技術在奈米鈦合金製備氧化鈦膜之抗蝕研究 (104-2221-E-155-006) |
2015/8/1-2016/7/31 |
A3 |
計畫共同主持人 (主持人:王樂民教授) |
控制熱氫製程與熱氧化處理以改善Ti–6Al–4V合金耐磨與抗蝕性能(104-2221-E-606-010) |
2015/8/1-2016/7/31 |
A4 |
計畫主持人 |
立方晶鎂基奈米結構材料及其氫化性質研究 (103-2221-E-155-017) |
2014/8/1-2015/7/31 |
A5 |
計畫共同主持人 (主持人:王樂民教授) |
以熱氫處理改善Ti-6Al-4V合金氧化層抗蝕性能研究 (103-2221-E-606-015) |
2014/8/1-2015/7/31 |
A6 |
計畫主持人 |
新型鎂基儲氫材料罐研究(103-2623-E-155-003-ET) |
2014/1/1-2015/3/31 |
A7 |
計畫主持人 |
新穎泡棉床甲醇蒸氣重組器(101-2623-E-155-001-ET) |
2012/1/1-2012/12/31 |
A8 |
計畫主持人 |
綠色製氫重組器之研究-子計畫六:自供熱低溫微流道泡棉床甲醇重組器(2/2, 100-2221-E-155-039-MY2) |
2012/8/1-2013/7/31 |
A9 |
計畫主持人 |
綠色製氫重組器之研究-子計畫六:自供熱低溫微流道泡棉床甲醇重組器(1/2, 100-2221-E-155-039-MY1) |
2011/8/1-2012/7/31 |
A10 |
計畫主持人 |
鈦合金Ti6Al4V表層奈米晶粒研究 (99-2221-E-155-091) |
2010/8/1-2011/7/31 |
A11 |
計畫共同主持人 (主持人:王樂民教授) |
Ti-6-4合金氫化法抗蝕性能研究 (99-2221-E-606-013) |
2010/8/1-2011/7/31 |
A12 |
計畫主持人 |
氫化法調控鈦合金奈米晶粒研究 (98-2218-E-155-002) |
2009/8/1-2010/7/31 |
A13 |
計畫共同主持人 (主持人:葉君棣教授) |
製造氫氣的新穎催化劑與袖珍重組器-子計畫二:催化劑的製作與洗積(2/2) (98-2627-M-155-007) |
2009/8/1-2010/7/31 |
編號 |
補助機構/擔任角色 |
計畫名稱(號碼) |
執行期間 |
B1 |
中山科學研究院/ 計畫主持人 |
微量元素對BCC儲氫合金中溫(40-80℃)吸放氫機構之研究 (CSIST-514-V101) |
2014/1/16-2014/12/31 |
B2 |
經濟部能源局/ 協同研究員 (主持人:詹世弘教授) |
氫能與燃料電池科技研究中心計畫(4/4)-子計畫七:儲氫技術開發(101-D1037-4) |
2012/1/1-2012/12/31 |
B3 |
經濟部能源局/ 協同研究員 (主持人:詹世弘教授) |
氫能與燃料電池科技研究中心計畫(3/4)-子計畫七:儲氫技術開發(100-D1037-4) |
2011/5/1-2011/12/31 |
B4 |
工業技術研究院/ 計畫主持人 |
高活性甲醇重組觸媒技術 (GCP-98004) |
2010/7/13-2011/3/31 |
B5 |
經濟部能源局/ 協同研究員 (主持人:詹世弘教授) |
氫能與燃料電池科技研究中心計畫(2/4)-子計畫七:儲氫技術開發(99-D1037-4) |
2010/7/6-2011/4/30 |